The biennial conference on Decisions, Assessment, Risk and Evidence in Social Work (DARE) is setting out for new shores. After a highly successful run in Belfast since 2010, the conference will move to Zurich, Switzerland, in 2024, taking place on 20-21 June.
The call for abstracts is now open! We invite researchers, scholars, practitioners, and students to submit abstracts for DARE 2024. Abstract submission deadline is 2 February 2024.
Find the call and further information on:
This biennial DARE conference series brings together researchers, managers, educators, policy makers, regulators and experienced practitioners to share developments on the related topics of: professional judgement, assessment tools and processes, decision processes, risk, evidence in social work, including ethical, emotional, technological and contextual aspects of decision making, assessment, risk and evidence. The conference fosters lively discussion on these topics and aims to be a platform to strengthen networks and launch new research and development of initiatives in social work.
Join our mailing list and do not miss any news on DARE 2024: write us an e-mail on
We are looking forward to your abstracts and hope to see you soon in Zurich! Please feel free to distribute the call in your networks.
The organizing committee
Joel Gautschi, David Lätsch, Andreas Jud, Nicole Florence Eicher, Daniela Tschümperlin
Zurich University of Applied Science ZHAW, School of Social Work