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8. Internationale Erziehungswissenschaftliche Ethnographiekonferenz 27.–29.6.2024, Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
Re-Writing (against) Culture
Ethnographisches Schreiben in educational ethnographic research: Praktiken, Ansätze, Innovationen und Positionierungen
“What does the ethnographer do? – [s]he writes. Or, again, more exactly, ‘inscribes’” (Geertz 1973, 19)

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8th International Conference on Educational Ethnography 27.–29.6.2024, Zurich University of Teacher Education, Zurich
Re-Writing (against) Culture
Ethnographic writing in educational ethnography: practices, approaches, innovations, and positionings
“What does the ethnographer do? – [s]he writes. Or, again, more exactly, ‘inscribes’” (Geertz 1973, 19)

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